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11 August 2011

Silverstone planning application

The next step in securing the future of Silverstone Circuit was taken on 11th August with the submission of a comprehensive outline planning application to Aylesbury Vale District Council and South Northants District Council.  The application conforms with the Silverstone Development Brief, issued February 2009, and comprises of:

  • Business park (maximum122,519 sqm; use classes B1, B2 and B8) 
  • Technology park (maximum 62,662 sqm, use classes B1, B2 and B8)
  • Education campus (maximum 34,658 sqm; use classes D1 and C2)
  • Three hotels (maximum 39,847 sqm; use class C1)
  • Ancillary retail and spectator facilities, including ‘Welcome Centre’ and ‘Museum of Motor sport’ (maximum 61,964 sqm; use class D2) with promotional and experiential automotive display space (maximum 18,600 sqm; sui generis) 
  • Improved leisure and event spaces, including a kart track and outdoor stage (maximum 65,075 sqm; use class D2)
  • Other ancillary development, including landscape works, grandstands, hardstanding and support paddock, bridge and tunnel to improve pedestrian flows, a new point of access, supporting infrastructure and demolition

Development of the masterplan for Silverstone Circuit will help demonstrate the potential of this iconic international centre of the motor sport industry; being one of the most important economic assets in Southern England. The development will create around 8,400 permanent jobs in the firms and activities attracted to the site, plus an average of around 550 construction jobs per annum throughout the long-term development phase. At least 4,800 of these jobs are likely to be entirely new to the area.

Stuart Rolt, Chairman of the British Racing Drivers’ Club commented, “The submission of this planning application is a big step forward in releasing the commercial potential of Silverstone and its 760 acre Estate. The timing of this planning application is closely linked into the process we are currently undergoing to seek potential investment from third parties that will enable us to move forward with our plans more rapidly.”

Richard Phillips, Managing Director of Silverstone Holdings Ltd, said: “This is the most important initiative that Silverstone has taken in its 60 year history.  Things have changed dramatically since the early days.  Approval of this planning application will help maintain Silverstone’s position as a leading global centre for sport, leisure, education and technology and support its vision of becoming a World leading motor sport destination.”

Richard Cutler, a Partner at Bloombridge, Silverstone’s appointed Planning and Development Manager, said: “The Development Brief provides a very good starting point.  Our professional team has worked hard to produce a very high quality masterplan, founded on a robust analysis of the constraints and opportunities.  The next step is to deliver the much sought after inward investment.”

A full copy of the planning application is available at:


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