It is with regret that the Club has to announce the death of Life Member, Edward Pool, on 1 January 2013.
Ted joined the Club in 1947 and was therefore one of the longest serving as well as oldest Members at 90 years old when he passed away.
Ted started with motor racing in a Type 35 Bugatti in 1946 and 1947. We also have a record of him racing a TT Hyper Lea-Francis and he briefly owned ERA RIIB (which he sold to Reg Parnell). A Lester Coupe with Coventry Climax engine followed but his racing career was over by the mid fifties when a move to warmer climes in France was required in order make living with wounds sustain in the war bearable. (He was wounded and awarded the Military Cross on D-Day having jumped into Normandy with the Parachute Regiment). Ted returned to the UK in the 1980s after which time he was an occasional visitor to Silverstone.