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29 July 2011

BRDC SuperStars brighten lives of UK’s deserving children

On Tuesday, 26 July 2011, 50 disabled, disadvantaged and seriously ill children, nominated by Variety Club, the Children’s Charity and BEN, the automotive industry charity, each experienced the thrill of being driven around Silverstone Circuit in a fleet of Ferrari California sports cars. Their chauffeurs were some of the BRDC SuperStars along with Club Members’ Jason Plato, Tim Harvey and Nick Mason.

Aged from seven upwards, the children had travelled from all over the UK to attend the Ferrari California Experience. All have displayed remarkable fortitude in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Some are battling illness; others are suffering personal bereavement but all had the chance to put their problems behind them and enjoy a truly unforgettable day.

Among those enjoying the day was 10 year old Tom Blakemore from Halesowen in the West Midlands. Tom was diagnosed with an inoperable tumour in January 2010 but, thanks to pioneering treatment he received in the US, is now cancer-free. “Tom was actually invited last year but for obvious reasons couldn’t make it” said his mother Jayne. “The fact that 18 months later he is here to enjoy this brilliant event means the world to us. The look on the faces of Tom and the other children as they got out of their Ferrari is something I will remember for a long time.”

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